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Why Immersion Cooling in Data Centers is the Next Big Thing

The world of high-density computing has seen immense advancement in the past decade, creating new challenges in keeping servers cool, and our ever increasing

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The world of high-density computing has seen significant advancements over the years, creating new challenges to satisfy cooling needs while our data-consumption needs skyrocket.

The escalating demands on cooling systems have inflated operating costs and heightened the environmental impact of data centers. 

Immersion cooling is set to solve these challenges.

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The Information Impact

With the information age progressing by leaps and bounds every year, so do its impacts on our planet. Though unlike the industrial age, with its giant smokestacks and factories, the information age’s demands are far more unseen. The everyday data needs of our society have several impacts:

Energy Consumption: data centers are incredibly demanding energy consumers. Multiple studies show they account for roughly 3% of current global demand. In North America, data centers alone are expected to consume 8% of our energy needs by 2028. That energy need, and the associated costs, present major challenges in continuing the information age. 

Electronic Waste Generation: the rapid refresh cycles of server and networking equipment (exacerbated by the heat generated) in data centers create a large amount of waste. Waste that is especially hard to recycle and harmful to the environment. 

Water Consumption: with the immense amount of water required for cooling purposes, with some estimates as high as billions of gallons every year, local water tables, rivers and lakes are suffering under the immense strain.

What is Immersion Cooling?

The good news is, a technology is rapidly coming of age that can solve the issues mentioned above and more.

Immersion Cooling technology allows servers to be submerged in a non-conductive fluid that draws away heat much more efficiently than air. This not only ensures optimal server performance, but also curbs the excessive energy usage associated with air-cooling methods.


Primary Benefits of Immersion Cooling

Shrink space needs. Cut buildout costs.
  • Higher server density per rack reduces footprint
  • Deploy more servers in less space
  • No need for raised floors or high ceilings
Increase hardware life and performance. Reduce Maintenance
  • Dielectric fluid protects and cools IT equipment
  • No need to throttle back CPUs or GPUs to avoid overheating
  • Protects electronics from airborne contaminants
  • No Chillers, DX units of fans to maintain
Slash energy costs
  • No need for fans, air handlers, a/c or humidity control
  • Can reduce power to cool by 98% vs air cooling
  • Drive PUEs down to 1.3
Less water use
  • Dielectric liquids cut back on billions of gallons of water usage by data centers
  • No water consumed in cooling process
  • Fluid has Global Warming Potentials of zero
Reduced carbon footprint
  • Slashes onsite power demand/energy consumption
  • Lowers nearby power plant emissions
  • Reduces e-waste (spent components) by 30% or more
Quiet the noise
  • Virtually silent operation
  • Fan noise and vibration eliminated

Lube-Tech's Immersion Coolant Solution

Lube-Tech has two immersion coolants in development and testing to help accelerate your data center’s performance.

Environmentally-Friendly IC:
  • Negative Global Warming Potential
  • Optimized heat transfer and longevity
  • 100% bio-derived and sustainable
Synthetic IC:
  • Synthetic hydrocarbon
  • Optimized thermal and oxidative properties
  • Compatible with immersion cooling system components

Innovative Solutions with Lube-Tech​

Lube-Tech has produced fluids for some of the largest companies in the world. Medical device manufacturers, food processors and energy producers have all utilized our ability to design and test oil and other products to specifically meet the unique demands of complex industries. 

Our chemists develop over 100 custom formulas each year, including industrial lubricants, additives, cleaners and coolants.

The next generation of energy production and environmental protection is safe in Lube-Tech’s hands.

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